Thursday, April 22, 2010

Answer 105 - Brak like Fur

A woman with hair ratted high on the back of her head walked past me at the airport.  Amy Winehouse-inspired, but something else, too.  Like a little bit of the alien head from the movie Alien - an oblong shape... it was positively striking.

I'm always taken with the extreme dos.  Can't think much on wearing one, myself, although I suppose there is a certain extremity in unruly red.. but not so much artistic statement as all that.

I think, somedays, that I'll cut it all off and do something new.  Something angular and black maybe.

Maybe do my own variety show.. maybe do a little acting on the side.  Maybe even win an Oscar or something.

Or, maybe brown/blonde angular, and after a short stint as a Euro pop star, run off with a Euro soccer player, and then pose in my underwear on the side of London city buses... cause it's posh and all..

Funny, when you think of it.  As human evolution progresses, we'll most likely end up hairless.  I mean, eventually.

So why so much importance placed on the last straggly remnants of our fuzzy Neanderthal days?

Because Brak like Fur?  Probably.*

*I've been awake since 5:00am Holland time.  Now I'm in Indiana at 7:33pm.  This is all the excuse I have.


  1. Where does one write these sorry you're not going to be coming to Ashland, Oregon in May...when?...soon, please.

  2. Looking forward to you hanging off the local busses in your lingerie.

  3. Welcome to Indiana Ms. Detor — brush off the Eyjafjallajökull ash and make yourself at home! :-)

  4. It was even 4 a.m. when we wished you a save journey!
    Glad you are at home with nice colored, beautiful hair.

  5. Welcome Home!

    See? (above) There would have been at least two (or maybe more) of us in Ashland next month. I just read where the Harlem Globetrotters performed at the Vatican once - for an audience of ONE! Guess who? Why not you?

  6. Krista, it's a good feeling knowing that you guys are back safely in Indiana! If you ever do decide to have a Krista Variety Hour, please do let us know...I'd watch the hell out of that!


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