The world wide web is an infinite space and I am a mostly hairless monkey with little ability to fathom big words like i n f i n i t e.
One string leads to another.. an infinite web of sites connected via the search engine neurons and linked infinitely and where does a mostly hairless mammal go when the world is too big and the brain is too small?
Sometimes, to the bath tub. This is, of course, the most primal, fetal desire - to be completely submerged in warm water, with nothing but the sound of a heartbeat and the white noise of the organs and vascular systems whooshing and whirring. Ah...
Just talked to a songwriter good friend... 'The road is actually restful,' she said. 'And how do you explain that to people?'
How indeed. 12 hours of driving between here and Wichita, and I'm rested upon arrival? Surprisingly, yes. For a short while, there was no internet in the car, so it was audio book and fast food time. What's not to love? What's not restful? Open highways... yellow Subway signs... friendly Agri-Evil signs along miles of fields, assuring us that our genetically engineered crops are inevitable and that Resistance is Futile...
Wait. That's not restful. But most things about the road are.
But speaking of the Borg, being constantly connected to the WEB is a bit like being a Borg. Or The Borg.
All flushed, nearly instantly, with the same information.. hive mentality. Flush.
Is this our new evolution? Connection to the hive?
If so, then the marmoset that lives in my mitochondria is having a hard time assimilating.
Still. I'm here. I'm connected. I'm 7 of 9.
But what I wouldn't give for a tiny piece of spongecake and sunglasses that turn black in the presence of danger.
You're so hip. I bet you have trouble seeing over your pelvis! (A rephrasing of one of my favorite Zaphod quots)