I can't look at any news without seeing something politically nonsensical - chaos being fostered by money interests and bombasts - uninformed people rushing around and screaming about Nazis and Socialists, and screaming, by God, to keep the government out of their health care. They've got none. Except Medicare, by God, by God..
by God..
I keep thinking of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood... and the evil people who rise to power in times of great trouble. In the name of God. As the oil pumps into the Gulf and the social fabric unweaves, one string at a time. If you're not nauseous, baby, you're not paying attention...
Doesn't History teach us anything? Holy Roman Empire? Hello??!! The arrogance, the excess, and thinking that rules apply to everyone but us?!
Crud. I'm upsetting the dog.
Speaking of 1984, been playing through a song I wrote in 2004. It's mostly not helping, though. But still - it's catchy:
I woke up at the start of a century,
bombs dropping all around me
I woke up and I put my gas mask on - in America, in America
I woke up at the dawn of a new world -
mug shots and rainblows for little girls
I woke up and I think I need a drink - in America -
that's what I think
Now all the big frogs are talking 'family values'
and telling me the problem is that I'm not in the kitchen
Funny, I thought it was mostly free market conditions -
the inevitable conclusion seems to be Cannibalism
But, o-kay! Go ahead and blame me - you always do - just look at history
And all the big frogs are talking family values -
but what the hell do billionaires know about "family"?
I work two jobs, I drive a used car, don't need your
charity but you don't give a DAMN about me
so please stop trying to tell me you'll protect me,
when YOU sold the weapons to the people that HATE me.
A million people hate me and they don't even know me
I woke up at the start of a century,
bombs dropping all around me
I woke up and I put my gas mask on - in America, in America
I woke up at the dawn of a new world -
mug shots and rainblows for little girls
I woke up and I think I need a drink - in America -
that's what I think
It's about 14 verses long... but that's enough indignation for a Wednesday. And I know, it won't help.
So, in light of it, I send you to the website my dog suggested - www.givesmehope.com.
It's sweet and sometimes a little silly, but the least I can do. What can I say? Some days it's harder than others.
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