Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Answer #9 - Because my imaginary friends tell me timeliness is bad

It's late. I know. But the plane just landed, and, in keeping with my previous commitment to the continued assignment of points on a graph to my endeavors, here I am. I'm in a different state today - don't want to say too much because there are just so many stalkers and restraining orders lately*, but, different states (literally, a different state in the union) tend to bring different perspectives.

In this state, Glenn Beck's books are selling big at the WalMart check out. I flick his nose everytime I see his likeness somewhere. [I also flick Sarah Palin's nose, Anne Coulter's nose (twice) and Toby Keith's nose. I admit this openly. But I digress]

So.. perspective...

Perspective... it's such a short ride. Life, I mean. Someone pointed out yesterday that I shouldn't view the record 'business' as 'business' - but the love of the thing. I thought maybe I ought to clarify that I do most definitely do the thing for love. But the business is a reality -it's never been the writing or playing music that's been at question - the real work of this job is the sheer number of hours dedicated to making it happen - daily. A performer friend said recently, 'I do the shows for love - for no money at all - it's the 20+ hours of work per show that I get paid for.'

I write because I'm a writer. I always will write. As long as I can, I will play music and sing, and as long as I can I'll wander the world.

This blog is about perspective. Utterly self-indulgent navel gazing, but my navel is fascinating. Seriously. strange folds and curves. It's practically a labyrinth, it's so complex and, well, fascinating. The business of music - the nuts and bolts business of business - not so fascinating. Timely, orderly people are good at it. Easily distracted songwriters with imaginary friends who dress like Madonna (Material Girl era) and get them into all kinds of trouble - not so much.

So why am I having such a hard time being a timely, orderly business person?

I think the answer is obvious. Until I work out how to be a timely, orderly business music person, or get new imaginary friends, I'll need to continue blogging. Until then, you just keep on pushing my love over the borderline...

*all imaginary, as well


  1. OMG...Beck, Palin, Coulter, Keith! Are you in Mississippi? ;-)

  2. OMG...i just realized you could totally do a cover of that song that i'd actually enjoy listening to. :-))


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